So below you will find a new connor temple picture!

There we have it!
Leave those comments!
Yes, I’m delighted to say we started shooting last Monday and the other details as reported on digital spy are pretty much right so far as casting and timing goes. Needless to say I’m delighted we’re back in production – it’s been a hard and bumpy road to these new series but we’re glad we got there, as the show is doing better than ever worldwide and in my opinion has a long way to run. I can’t say too much about the new series yet, but I can say that while we’ll be retaining our “creature of the week” series format, we’ll also have a strong serialised element that will run right through both series 4 and 5 with a major revelation about the mystery behind the anomalies coming in episode 7 – which will be the climax of series 4.
Ok, so the pro connor points: The outfit....check end of series 3. Its the same!
Connors ring necklace, Check!
The area he's pictured in, not exactly normal is it?
Facial hair. If we're to take info from the above article, it states how the series catches up on the team several months after they went missing, well it stands to reason that connor wouldnt shave, so....facial hair!
Con Connor points [i like that haha]: They only started filming 22nd march, could this be to soon to have a picture? or would he even be allowed to post it up where it can be found?
Please leave your thoughts on the above two items!
Article thanks too:
Picture thanks to: